
My reality, your dreams!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

whister fun on sidetrakk

Yesterday's fun equals todays rain!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The rain falls....

It rained all day yesterday, I have been using the blackcomb day lodge floor in the basement to stretch during this rainy stint. I got some rides in with julie after she hottfooted it from her job in leavenworth to whistler for her weekly dose of 4 days. She gets out earlier than me everyday and rides later everyday, she has the whistler disease. It was sketchy at times on the roots slick with a steady falling rain but golden with traction in the berms. The rains bring new trail work and aline and dirt merchant are buffed to perfection. The aline drop is the smoothest I have ever seen it in two years. Check the videos on the you tube account my account is boomerbaird. I am heading for vegas for interbike and hate to leave whistler. Next year I'll be hanging a little longer.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


No posts since I arrived here and for good reason, THE RIDING! The hill is soooo good right now, we had rain last week and the maintenance crews set upon the trails that were bombed out since crankworks. New lips, new jumps, new trails!!! It was really good and tacky for a few days after that and then the second rain came and brought snow to the higher elevations. We have been riding a new trail on the upper mountain, called sidetrakked. It has big jumps, little jumps, smooth berms, singletrack and anything else you might like. We were out ripping it up with a little gang of cats, and I had a great little run hitting the big lips and keeping my speed up. We paused and then I jumped out front to lead through a little corner that has a straightish line on top of a gnarly root, I went waaayyy too hot into it and I clobbered a rock after the root. Over the bars, slamming my palm, and head on some rocks I crumpled into the woods. At this point my bell has been rung and I am just trying to get up when the comments start rushing in... " That was the worst crash I ever heard and didn't see, THAT didn't sound good!" I get up and roll through said corner and lean up against a tree, sitting dazed, my rear brake caliper is puking fluid from a not obvious at the time crack. The caliper is cracked through and I run down through the rest of the run front brake only, jumping through the bottom of A-Line. The lift is closed, due to thunderstorms, the rain truns to snow on the big mountain and I lay by the creek with my hand in the water eating noodle salad with my good hand. I took the next day off and spent most of it staring up the hill and my bros riding. Tommorrow the dirt will be sooo goood!